I draw and i love my ocs

General interest
Xbox 360 games
80s comedy/gag/romcom anime
Cereal mascots
Computer malware/viruses
Early 2000s internet history
Gaming systems
Vampire media
Early 80s, 90s, 2000s, 3d graphics/animations
90s Fighting games (and some modern)
Hack and slash games
Retro futurism
Greasers/ Yankīsmusic!!
Kid cudi
The B-52s
Bob Marley
Smash mouth
Bee gees
It Bites
The Zombies
Nancy Sinatra
And a lot more
Good media
Kaiketsu Zorori
Buddy thunder struck
Dog Man
Earthworm jim
The vampire dies in no time
Danger mouse
Urusei Yatsura
Viva pinata
Naughty bear
Lupin iii
Vampiyan kids
KochiKame: Tokyo Beat Cops
The kabocha wine
Devil may cry
School rumbleAlso a lot more

What is kaeloo?
Kaeloo is a 3d animated french cartoon! A group of animal friends inhabit a magical world called smiley land. They play games to pass the time. They are a highly disfunctional friend group and theres no limit to their chaos.This show does not limit its comedy, especially in its first season (which i find to be the funnest).
i found out about kaeloo in 2022 and aghh its so special to me now. Theres something so special about it that i havent found in many other shows. While yes, i really enjoy the show for its absoutely insane humor, i love these characters. They bounce off eachother so welll and make for excellent comedy and interactions. I love characters where you can just putt them in any situation and theyll be just and entertaining as ever.I also really enjoy the devolpment of the characters through out the the show. Usually wouldnt expect that in a show that primarily is meant to be episodic. Through out the seasons, the characters go through arcs and have some very heartfelt moments. Personally i think their at their best when their wacky nonsensical fun but that stuffs interesting too.
Kaeloo is a fun loving frog full of brightness and sunshine. She is the keeper of smiley land. But watch out bc when he gets angry he turns into a strong and fearsome toad named bad kaeloo. Saying she’s emotionally unstable it putting it lightly.
Mr cat is a mean spirited, sadistic, and manipulative freakazoid. He takes joy in torturing his friend, quack quack. He also loves to get on kaeloos nerves so he transforms into bad kaeloo (who he is madly in love with).
Stumpy is a silly and immature squirrel. Hes full of child like whimsy and is considered stupid by his friends. He just thinks a little bit differently though!!! Hes enjoys playing video games and reading comics, especially ones that feature mr coolskin!!
Quack Quack is a yogurt addicted duck. Hes honest, selfless, caring, and smart. Probably the most sane of everyone, but not by much.
Fun show i highly recommend to anyone looking for laughs. These guys are funny as hell.

What is Kaiketsu Zorori?
Kaiketsu zorori is a japanese childrens book series made by Yutaka Hara! Its gone on to be adapted into an ova, manga, feature legnth films and what ill be talking about mainly, an anime!Zorori is a fun loving prankster that's travels the world with these stupid bastard boar twins. His main goal is to find a wife, obtain a castle, and become the pranksters king. He meets and makes many strange and funny friends and enemies.

The moment i watched the intro i was completely captured. Enthralled! I knew this would be my favorite thing ever. I spent the entire summer bingeing this series. Over 150 episodes, 5 movies, not to mention the ovas and countless amount of art J scoured the internet for like a hungry rabid animal. Basically consumed me. The series is so throughly charming. From the artstyle, to the characters, and the journey zorori embarks on. So very heartful.Do NOT ever talk to me about this show because i have a million things to say.

I did not expect this show to punch me in the gut on multiple occasions too like??? Zororis lore and his realtionship with his parents is so interesting and im so glad they decided to explore it and stuff.., not to mention that whole puppe arc (im a puppe number one fanner). Literally such a peak arc and the end to it makes me INSANE! My thoughts on this show are pretty jumbled because there is a lot of things going on here.If you want to check out the series in its entirety, I made a carrd for it.

What is The Vampire Dies in No Time?
Tvdint (less of a mouthful) is a show that follows a vampire hunter named Ronaldo and his vampire partner Draluc. Together they get into the most ridiculous situations known to man kind, hunting down other vampires and generally just experiencing the absolute madness of the people around them.Tvdint is genuinely such a wild show. So specifically made for me its crazy. I LOVE VAMPIRESSSS… and a buddy comedy centered around a vampire hunter and a vampire… genius, amazing, ground breaking, astonishing, mind blowing.
Ronaldo is the vampire hunterr i was talking about and…. Ohmygod i love him so much. Originally on my first watch of tvdint i overlooked him. I liked him but didn’t take to much note of him (was there for the vampires… draluc importantly.) But I was a bastard prick for that.I like him importantly.
Hes so beautiful and pretty and has this really cool demeanor. Ronaldo, despite his cool guy top rank famous vampire hunter status is this real loser sorta man. Hes stupid around women, cannot handle affection or compliments, stubborn, loses his temper quickly, will cry at anything that moves his heart, hates being isolated, hates celery so much he screams and sobs when he sees it (not exaggerating) and is a self doubting mess.He treats john (armadillo) like his child and its the cutest thing in the world this man babys the hell out of him. I am enthralled by him like thank you tvdint.
Draluc is Ronaldos vampire prick roommate. Hes a prideful pathetic vampire that tends to die … in no time. He loves gaming and is basically Ronaldos house wife he does all the cooking all the cleaning. I dont have tooo much to say about him despite me loving him to death. Him and Ronaldos relationship is beautiful. Draluc annoys Ronaldo, Ronaldo kills him. Its a symbiotic relationship. They are both complete opposites and are terrible for each-other. Despite this they are both equally as stupid. they are so truly meant to spend the rest of their lives together.Moving on to some honorable mention characters… theres a lot of really fun characters in this show but these are my fave of the supporting cast.
Sanzu is an editor at a publishing company and has a huge obsession with Ronaldo. This girl is dedicated to him and its so fun to watch because Ronaldo (as mentioned before) cannot handle compliments or affection.
Honda is OBSESSED with Ronaldo but in a hater as fuck kind of way. He takes hater to another level. His whole room is decorated with Ronaldo merch, he knows everything about him, and will do anythng to ruin his day (+ a huge mommas boy. What a dork)
Hinaichi works for the vampire control division and is badass. Shes cute and reminds me a lot of Beat kaizoro so i love her a lot. She loves eating dralucs homemade sweets and i think thats cute.
okay so yeah… i really love tvdint one of my all time favorite animes. Watch it!!! The english dub is so good too btw,, love it sm.

Im Neon i like rabbits and drawing stuff and animating sometimes. I focus on my characters a lot but am also just passionate about the media i like too. Music motivates a lot of my creative stuff and i like drawin whatevers cool to me.

Look at the b-52s tho dont you think their awesome